In-Person Worship Update

While St. John continues to “Zoom” our worship service, folks are invited to attend in-person. Individuals may choose to wear a mask. We have returned to using bulletins, hymnals and pew Bibles; and folk are permitted to sing and speak aloud.


Pastor Matt Mimlitz’s church email has changed.
Please now use to reach Pastor Matt at church.

Our 2024 Annual Meeting is Sunday January 7th immediately following our worship. WE WILL USE THE SAME ZOOM LINK AS THE SERVICE. If you are unable to attend in person, please email Pastor Matt at the word “PRESENT” so we can include you in the quorum count.

Weekly Events

Loaves and Fishes St John has resumed collecting nonperishables for Loaves and Fishes on
the first Sunday of every month. Items can be placed in the white chest. Thank you!

The Children’s Sunday School “GOD’S GARDEN” begins at 10am on the first Sunday of every month; and follows the TIME WITH CHILDREN in the worship service on all other Sundays in the parlor.

Breakfast with the Pastor-Breakfast with the Pastor meets every Thursday at 8:45 am at The Colonial in Naperville. Everyone is welcome!